HCLS Test Prep Books
- To search the HCLS collection for test prep books, please use the search box at the top of this page. Type “SAT study guides” into the box and click the “search catalog” button to see a list of titles. Use the filters on the left side of your screen to limit your search by availability, library branch, publication date, and subject.
HCLS Proctoring
Proctoring services are available for individuals who need to have an exam from their college, university, or organization proctored. MORE
HCLS Test Prep Classes
There are 5 upcoming classes.
SAT scoreback session
Date: 02/20/25Time: 6:00pm - 6:30pm
Branch: Savage Branch
Age group: Teens
Program type: Tech Skills or STEAM
If you attended the practice digital SAT last Saturday, please attend this scoreback session to receive your scores, learn some tips and tricks and have the opportunity to ask questions as well. Parents/guardians welcome!
If you cannot make this session, your scores will be held for you at the front desk afterwards.
Practice Digital SAT Exam
Date: 02/22/25Time: 10:00am - 1:00pm
Branch: Miller Branch
Age group: Teens
Program type: College & Trade Schools
Ages 14-18 | Registration Required
Taking the Digital SAT? Take a practice Digital SAT exam at Miller, facilitated by C2 Education Center, to help you prepare.
- STEP 1: REGISTER here on our website.
STEP 2: Immediately, COMPLETE the Student Information Form found in your confirmation email. If you have not completed this form by Tuesday 2/18 at 5pm, your registration will be voided. The information shared will be accessed by C2 Education for the practice exam. Your scores and log-in information will not be shared with anyone other than yourself and C2 Education.
- A charged laptop/Chromebook*
- A charger for your device
- A graphing calculator (we will have a few to loan)
* If you need a laptop to take this exam, please email [email protected].
RESULTS: There is no results session, you will be emailed your results directly from C2 Educations by Friday, February 27.
New Digital SAT Practice Test (Online)
Date: 03/22/25Time: 10:30am - 11:30am
Branch: Online Branch
Age group: Teens
Program type: College & Trade Schools
The College Board is changing the SAT. The Princeton Review has taken all the information the College Board has provided for the Digital SAT and created an experience to show you how the digital test looks and feels on test day. This will show you a select number of questions in the format of the new test.
Please register with an email address to receive immediate registration confirmation with a link to enter the class. This email will also contain dial-in information if you wish to participate via phone.
Digital SAT Practice Test
Date: 04/12/25Time: 10:30am - 2:00pm
Branch: Glenwood Branch
Age group: Teens
Program type: College & Trade Schools
Take a practice Digital SAT at the library, run by C2 Education of Ellicott City. Test will begin promptly at 10:30, so please arrive on time!
Registration required. Bring your own graphing calculator, fully charged laptop, and laptop charger.
Please complete the attached Student Information Sheet and submit it via email or in-person to the library by Saturday, 4/5 at 5pm. The information shared will be accessed by C2 Education and the College Board for the Practice Exam. Your scores and log-in information will not be shared with anyone other than yourself and C2 Education.
Attend the Scoreback Session at 7pm on April 15th.
Digital SAT Scoreback Session
Date: 04/15/25Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Branch: Glenwood Branch
Age group: Teens
Program type: College & Trade Schools
Students who took the Digital SAT Practice Test on Sat 4/12 are welcome back to receive their scores and an informational presentation.
Parents and guardians welcome.