Created by teens for our community
HoCoCast began as a Howard County Library System Innovation Grant proposal to provide connected learning opportunities for teens to learn from adults and other teens while creating content for the library and the community.
Listeners of HoCoCast will discover an eclectic and engaging mix of interviews with community leaders and influencers; conversations about current topics; book, movie and media recommendations; and a fresh perspective on topics of interest to our teen podcasters.
HoCoCast produces a new episode six times a year in February, April, June, August, October, and December. Based on their interests and ideas, our teen podcasters decide what topics, interviews, and issues they want to cover in each episode within our editorial guidelines.
In this episode, HoCoCast highlights HoCo Happenings that will help you make a difference through your clothing choices (0:47), that will make you hungry for the new restaurant and music scene at the lakefront (12:42), that will get you entertained through our media recommendations (21:30), and get you star-gazing right in our own backyard (24:10).
Show Notes:
SOS Global https://sosglobal.earth/
Follow SOS Global on Social Media:
Claire’s Podcast, Party Size! https://cmpodcast20.wixsite.com/partysize
Community Ecology Institute, Freetown Farm https://www.communityecologyinstitute.org/
Climate Victory Gardens https://www.greenamerica.org/climate-victory-gardens
HCPSS Intern/Mentor Program https://www.hcpss.org/academics/gifted-and-talented/research/
The Collective Offshore https://www.facebook.com/thecollectiveoffshore
Howard Astronomical League (HAL) https://www.howardastro.org/
Media Recommendation Links:
Beluga https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmSp4bDxS9R0jpeZEvkut2g
The End is Nye trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WW-AqkVpTrc
The End is Nye on IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14325620/
Bodas de Sangre (book in Spanish) https://polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search/title.aspx?ctx=1.1033.0.0.3&pos=1&cn=505877
Bodas de Sangre (video) https://worldcat.org/en/title/778384555
HoCoCast wraps up 2022 with a discussion of their favorite things: from places to travel, to book worlds they’d love to visit, to favorite books and authors, to favorite traditions. By listening to this episode, you may just discover what will be on your list of favorite things for 2023!
Show Notes:
Travel Recommendations:
Hawaii www.hawaiitourismauthority.org/
Alabama tourism.alabama.gov/
Williamsburg www.colonialwilliamsburg.org/
Virginia www.virginia.org/
Swurfer swurfer.com/
Busch Gardens buschgardens.com/williamsburg/
Penguins nomadparadise.com/best-places-to-see-penguins/
The Santa Tracker: www.noradsanta.org/en/
Book & Media Recommendations:
The Father Christmas Letters: polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search…os=1&cn=841530
Scythe: polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search…os=2&cn=819133
The Hunger Games: polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search…os=4&cn=196046
The Island of Dr. Libris: polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search…os=1&cn=565898
Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library: polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search…os=1&cn=432360
Eragon: polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search…os=1&cn=199804
Wings of Fire Book #1: polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search…s=17&cn=407508
Lord of the Rings polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search…pos=2&cn=23965
Charlotte’s Web polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search…pos=2&cn=25398
Harry Potter polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search…pos=2&cn=61044
The School for Good and Evil polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search…os=2&cn=505167
The Gorillaz: www.gorillaz.com/
Learn More About: Penguins as Endangered Animals
Galapagos Penguins polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search…os=4&cn=372769
March of the Penguins polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search…os=7&cn=142720
October is Mental Health Awareness month and HoCoCast discusses all things 988 with local expert, Laura Torres from the Howard County General Hospital (1:12). Learn who can use this service (spoiler alert: everyone!); discover why this is a helpline, not a hotline; explore how your privacy is maintained when accessing 988; plus much more to help anyone experiencing mental health issues. Then get ready for a few book and media recommendations (17:25) and a segment on self-care for anyone with a friend or family member dealing with cancer (18:53).
Show Notes:
Maryland 988 website
988 Fact Sheet (English)
988 Fact Sheet (Spanish)
Wings of Fire, Book 6 (Moon Rising) by Tui Sutherland
Heartstopper Webtoon
Heartstopper Graphic Novel
Respite Retreats
Link to full episode transcript in English: HoCoCast Transcript Episode 17.pdf
Show Notes:
Join in the Ellicott City 250th Anniversary Celebration:
Places we love in EC:
French Twist Cafe (really located in Sykesville, but hey, they have delicious crepes!)
Marriotts Ridge High School, specifically Mr. Miller, English Teacher
Howard County Historical Society
Patapsco Valley State Park Trails
988 Mental Health Help Line Resources
GBRICS Partnership – Behavioral Health System Baltimore (bhsbaltimore.org)
Maryland History Tours:
Howard County Historical Society:
Quiz word: sesquicentennial
Transcript of Episode:
Celebrate Pride Month with a fantastically fun interview with R. Eric Thomas (1:33) where he reveals how his writing creates “community on the page;” how a scene in the play Cyrano de Bergerac helps him write jokes; and why he thinks Ed Sheeran should be in jail. Learn about the upcoming Meet the Author event featuring R. Eric Thomas at the Elkridge Branch on June 15th (37:25) and in the spirit of the month, our team shares their favorite media choices (38:34) from webtoons, to Netflix shows, to graphic novels (38:34). Check out the show notes for links to regional Pride Events so you can join in the celebration all month long! Finally, listen to our Bonus Segment where Mr. Thomas shares which movie and tv shows he thinks have the best writing (42:47).
Meet the Author Event details and register here: https://howardcounty.librarycalendar.com/event/meet-author-r-eric-thomas-person
Show Notes:
Interview Segment Links
- Here For It, or How to Save Your Soul in America
- Reclaiming her Time: the Power of Maxine Waters
- Is It Legal For Ed Sheeran To Dress Like This In Front Of Beyoncé?
- Cyrano de Bergerac https://polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search/title.aspx?ctx=1.1033.0.0.3&pos=3&cn=63964
- Howard County Library System databases feature access to “The Afro” a weekly Baltimore newspaper that was the most widely circulated African American paper on the Atlantic coast. Use our Research Tools, click on “Magazines & Newspapers,” and click on “Baltimore Afro-American Archives (1893 – 1988).” You will need your library card and pin number.
Media Recommendations
Heartstopper Webcomic:
Heartstopper Graphic Novel:
Heartstopper TV Show:
The Magic Fish:
Castle Swimmer by Wendy Lian Martin:
Pride Events Links
- Annapolis Pride Parade and Festival – June 4th, 12pm – 5pm
- Old Ellicott City Pride – June 4th and 5th, all day
- https://www.baltimorepride.org
- https://www.capitalpride.org
- www.visitmaryland.org/list/maryland-pride-events
Transcript of episode: HoCo Cast Celebrate Pride June 2022, Episode 15 Transcript.pdf
In honor of Poetry Month, our team discusses favorite poems from childhood; the agony of poetry on the MAP tests; great media specialists and a favorite English teacher; and the joys of fan fiction. Discover more great reading recommendations from a poetic manga to a basketball novel-in-verse and enjoy recitations of a few of our favorite poems, including a special recitation from Poetry Out Loud participant, Rohan, as he recites his powerful poem, “So Tell Me Again.”
Show Notes:
Conversation Segment Links
Ellicott Mills Shout Out: Amazing Media Specialist Christy Batelka and Paraeducator Elizabeth (“Liz”) Castro Barrientos
Marriotts Ridge Shout Out: Amazing English Teacher William Frank
Favorite Poetry Authors
Shel Silverstein
Dr. Seuss
Stuart Gibbs
Jack Prelutsky
Books Discussed
Moby Dick
Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins
The Outsiders by SE Hinton
Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson
The Stranger by Albert Camus
The Unknown Citizen by WH Auden
Media Recommendations
The Crossover by Kwame Alexander: http://polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search/title.aspx?ctx=1.1033.0.0.3&pos=1&cn=483275
Chihayafuru by Yuki Suetsugu: https://kodansha.us/series/chihayafuru/
Featured Poems
Remorse Is Memory Awake by Emily Dickinson: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Remorse_%E2%80%94_is_Memory_%E2%80%94_awake_%E2%80%94
Concord Hymn by Ralph Waldo Emerson: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Poems_(Emerson,_Household_Edition,_1904)/Concord_Hymn
Transcript of Episode 14:
Tune in to our lucky 13th episode as the HoCoCast crew interviews the Hexentrics, a local Howard County First Lego League team (1:45). Our podcast team then converses about STEM, school projects and old Disney TV shows (11:45) and recommends a variety of books and media related to the STEM (28.20). Learn more about the Black Eyed Susan contest (33:35) and the new maker space at the Glenwood Branch (34:24).
Show Notes:
First Lego League Maryland https://marylandfll.org/about-md-fll
Conversation Segment Links
Hour of Code https://hourofcode.com/us/learn
Minecraft https://www.minecraft.net/en-us
BTS https://ibighit.com/bts/eng/
Potato Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUfsDqZ8Uec
STEM Book and Media Recommendations
Charlie Thorne and the Last Equation https://polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search/title.aspx?ctx=1.1033.0.0.3&pos=1&cn=1039549
Dr. Stone https://polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search/title.aspx?ctx=1.1033.0.0.3&pos=2&cn=1011144
YouTube, ViHart: https://www.youtube.com/user/Vihart/featured
Folding Space Time:https://youtu.be/WkmPDOq2WfA
Black Eyed Susan Contest https://www.maslmd.org/black-eyed-susan-book-award
Glenwood Branch Maker Space http://hclibrary.org/maker-space/
The HoCoCast team interviews the creators of the podcasts, Party Size! and “Who Cares About College?” in the second part of their exploration of local teen voices. Be inspired by this in-depth segment with Claire, Michelle, and Kamila as we learn the secrets to their podcasting success (1:18). Discover a variety of great movies to watch over winter break with our team’s reviews (40:15) and listen in on our fun conversation segment that covers wide ranging topics such as parties, snacks, and school plus bonus a discussion covering very strong opinions about the movie, Dune and the Harry Potter movie series (49:27).
Show Notes:
Party Size Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepartysizepod/
Party Size Website: https://cmpodcast20.wixsite.com/partysize
Who Cares About College? Website: https://collegerealitycheck.com/podcast/
Podcast Tools:
Podcast Listening Recommendations:
College Admissions with Mark and Anna
Review Segment Links:
HoCoCast regular contributors, Abby and Ronan, welcome two new members, Mikhail and Taylor as they discuss a local podcast, 8 Minutes of Music History (0:53); provide review recommendations (7:30); and converse about music, podcasts, and recent reads(12:28). Check out the show notes below for all the details.
Show Notes:
Interview Links:
8 Minutes of Music History
Sneak a peek at the upcoming episode one week ahead on Instagram
Everywhere at the End of Time
Inception Soundtrack
Review Segment Links:
Little Nightmares Soundtrack youtu.be/DonMWYE6m8Y
8 Minutes of Music History, Episode 27: Everywhere at the End of Time
Um Jammer Lammy Soundtrack parappatherapper.fandom.com/wiki/Um_Jam…_Soundtrack
8 Minutes of Music History, Episode 29:
8 Minutes of Music History, Episode 31: The Themes of WandaVision
Conversation Segment Links:
Gorillaz gorillaz.lnk.to/SongMachine
Chuckle Sandwich www.youtube.com/c/chucklesandwich
Rotten Tomatoes is Wrong youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1FT…sPT9HyaX3-CYZj-Xfnf
The Alchemist by Paul Coelho polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search…pos=5&cn=26460
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard: Sword of Summer
Blizzard Activision scandal www.npr.org/2021/09/21/10393916…ination-allegations
Interested in contributing to HoCoCast? Contact library advisor, Lori Conforti for details. Service hours available.
Transcript of Episode: hcls-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/persona…6bKw?e=UGGcuH
In this episode, HoCoCast looks back on two years of episodes that have brought you local Howard County happenings through engaging interviews and insightful book reviews. Over the past two years, interviews of local leaders, conducted by our teen podcasters, Abby, Baz, Daniel, Emerson, Olivia, and Ronan, have enlightened and entertained our community. Listen to several of the influential interview clips covering a wide range of topics from local paranormal activity (1:15) to the importance of resilience (4:30) to how to be an ally for the Black Lives Matter movement (6:56) to dealing with procrastination (8:54) to best practices for hedgehog care (13:49) and to telling your story as a way to work toward equity and justice in Howard County (16:00). Often HoCoCast features segments on fascinating subjects – this episode samples our segments that covered the history of the horror genre (18:21); discovered teen mental health resources (19:54); uncovered the origins of LGBTQ+ literature (20:47); investigated the beginnings of the St. Valentine’s Day holiday (21:25); shed light on teen sexual health (22:31); and researched why dogs are so happy (23:13).
Of course, a library sponsored podcast would not be complete without book reviews and recommendations. Listen to some of our favorite titles (24:34) and be inspired to find your next book (or movie, or tv show, or manga).
Learn how to participate in the library’s upcoming Fall Reading Challenge (33:33) and how to join our podcasting team (34:12).
Show Notes:
For more on our featured guests, check out their entire interviews:
- Rissa Miller, Ghost Tour Operator, Teen Takeover of HiJinx Episode 28
- Chiara D’Amore, Founder and Executive Director for The Community Ecology Institute, Episode 2: Connecting the Community While Isolated
- Candace Dodson-Reed, Chief of Staff and Executive Director of the Office of Equity and Inclusion at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), Episode 4: Revolution
- Amanda Ganoe, Grassroots Crisis Intervention, Episode 5: Hope and Halloween
- Jen Smith, Hedgehog Welfare Society, Episode 8: Meows, Barks and Books
- Tonya Aikens, CEO and President of Howard County Library System, Episode 9: Share Your Story
Listen to the entire HoCoCast segment:
Horror Genre Overview, Teen Takeover of HiJinx Episode 28
Bureau of Behavioral Health services for Teen Mental Health, Episode 5: Hope and Halloween
LGBTQ Genre Overview, Episode 3: Pride
St. Valentines’ Day history, Episode 7: Love & Literature
Teen Health Matters, Sexual Health Episode 7: Love & Literature
Dog Happiness, Episode 8: Meows, Barks and Books
Featured Reviews:
Parasyte: The Maxim written and illustrated by Hitoshi Iwaaki
Born a Crime by Trevor Noah
- Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
Join HoCoCast
Contact advisor, Lori Conforti [email protected]
Find out more: https://youtu.be/tCin0_qQEJ0
Transcript of Episode: https://bit.ly/3jP1ZpE
The HoCoCast crew interviews the library’s President and CEO, Tonya Aikens about Brave Voices, Brave Choices, an initiative which harnesses the power of storytelling and invites community members to share and reflect on personal experiences related to racism and discrimination. The episode then delves into the good, the bad, and the ugly of movie and tv adaptations of favorite stories. Listen for several recommendations of great adaptations and decide for yourself if the movie is as good as the book.
Interview with Tonya Aikens, President and CEO of Howard County Library System:
Brave Voices, Brave Choices: hclibrary.org/brave-voices-brave-choices/
Brave Resources: http://hclibrary.org/brave-voices-brave-choices/brave-resources/
Contribute YOUR story: https://app.spryng.io/receptacle/addressing-racism-in-howard-county/key/LTE6OmFkZHJlc3NpbmctcmFjaXNtLWluLWhvd2FyZC1jb3VudHk___?fbclid=IwAR28a52B16Tu4tGJtO_ORbjMYCXChqmNqzKT5DQmaIgsl9_SnSINXWLoOpA
Racial Equity Alliance: http://hclibrary.org/brave-voices-brave-choices/racial-equity-alliance/
Sign Up for Summer Reading:
Learn about the library’s summer reading program:
Book Reviews:
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman: https://polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search/title.aspx?ctx=1.1033.0.0.3&pos=3&cn=965995
Good Omens TV Show: https://polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search/title.aspx?ctx=1.1033.0.0.3&pos=1&cn=1048356
Yona of the Dawn manga: http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/988377960
Yona of the Dawn anime: http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/950894291
Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh: http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/1107871674
Trainspotting (DVD): https://polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search/title.aspx?ctx=1.1033.0.0.3&pos=2&cn=160308
Transcript of Episode:
Join the HoCoCast Crew as they dedicate this podcast episode to their purr-fect pets! The team interviews local expert, Jennifer Smith, from the Hedgehog Welfare Society(0:37); explores why dogs are always so happy (24:09); learns how pets help our mental well being (27:22); shares their book reviews (29:53); and engages in a paws-itively interesting discussion of their pets (36:45).
Show Notes:
Interview Segment Links:
Maryland Hedgehog Rescue Resources
Why are Dogs so Heckin’ Happy? Sources:
Teen Health Matters Segment:
Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI)
Howard County Sources of Strength Instagram @HoCoStrength
Review Segment Links:
The Thing About Jellyfish by Ali Benjamin
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
I Touched a Cat and I Liked It by Anna Blandford
Pony Pals by Jeanne Betancourt
Love and Literature are in the air! Listen to Episode 8 of HoCoCast for a discussion of favorite Valentine’s celebrations, tropes, and candy (0:30); a dive into the origin myths of the Valentine’s holiday (23:30); reviews of our favorite love-themed books and more (26:00); and an educational overview teen sexual health (30:25).
Links & Resources discussed in Episode 8:
Conversation Segment:
- https://polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search/title.aspx?ctx=1.1033.0.0.3&pos=1&cn=286637
- Romeo x Juliet, anime
- http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/754662422
- Romeo & Juliet, Baz Luhrmann
- https://polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search/title.aspx?ctx=1.1033.0.0.3&pos=9&cn=104228
- Romeo and Juliet
- https://polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search/title.aspx?ctx=1.1033.0.0.3&pos=2&cn=126561
- Wattpad
- https://www.wattpad.com
- JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Valentine History Segment References:
- www.history.com/topics/valentines-day/history-of-valentines-day-2
- www.smithsonianmag.com/history/gory-origins-valentines-day-180968156/
- https://www.countryliving.com/life/a46353/history-of-valentines-day/
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCYX4s1DCn51Hpf1peHS30Q
- https://www.google.com/books/edition/Crush/Q_fowgEACAAJ?hl=en
- https://www.google.com/books/edition/Kids_of_Appetite/tbwvDwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=0
- http://shakespeare.mit.edu/romeo_juliet/full.html
Book Review Segment Links:
- Cinema Therapy
- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCYX4s1DCn51Hpf1peHS30Q
- Kids of Appetite by David Arnold
- https://polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search/title.aspx?ctx=1.1033.0.0.3&pos=2&cn=745810
- Crush by Richard Siken
- https://polaris.hclibrary.org/polaris/search/title.aspx?ctx=1.1033.0.0.3&pos=2&cn=1120740
Safe Love Segment Resources from Teen Health Matters:
Howard County Hope Works 24-hour Sexual, Dating, and Domestic Violence Helpline: 410-997-2272 https://wearehopeworks.org
If you are in a crisis, please call the Grassroots Crisis Hotline at 410-531-6677, or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting HOME to 741 741 https://grassrootscrisis.org
Trevor Project 24/7 Hotline 1-866-488-7386, or text START to 678-678 https://www.thetrevorproject.org
Scarleteen https://www.scarleteen.com
Teen Health Matters (HCHD): for Howard County teens to connect and learn more about health and resources. https://teenhealthmatters.org/
Connect with the Howard County Health Department for STI/STD testing:
- Call 410-313-7500
- Clinical Service visit can be scheduled (Monday & Tuesdays)
- Telehealth Options are available
For additional questions or information, please contact us at [email protected]
The HoCoCast Team turns the page on 2020 by discussing their hopes for 2021; their positive take-aways from a difficult year; and what tv shows and books have helped get them through it (0:24). Next, we hear from Kirsten Minor, Community Health Educator with Teen Health Matters, as she provides important information on the connection between vaping and mental health, and offers support through the virtual Tobacco Awareness Program for Teens and cessation-support resources (23:15). And finally, Abby, Baz, Emerson, Olivia, and a few special guests, provide their best books (and more) that were important reads for 2020 (35:00).
Teen Health Matters Resources
If you are looking for healthy ways to cope with stress, anxiety, or any other mental health condition during this challenging pandemic, please check out our Teen Health Matters site which is specifically for teens to connect and learn more about health and resources. If you are in a crisis, please call the Grassroots Crisis Hotline at 410-531-6677, or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting HOME to 741 741.
Need Help Quitting? The Health Department offers a free educational course for youth about the dangers of ESDs and strategies for quitting. Call 410-313-6292 or click here for more information.
HoCoCast Worst Year, Best Books
Check out all the recommended books, tv shows, movies, music and more: https://bit.ly/3nzSFac
Click for PDF Transcript of Episode 6
Episode 5: Hope and Halloween tackles tough and timely topics. Featured guest, Amanda Ganoe, Suicide Prevention Counselor with Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center, shares ways to build your quaran-team; tips to deal with procrastination; how to build self-care into our schedules and other helpful mental health resources (0:55). We also hear from Leah Bulka, Youth Suicide Prevention Coordinator with Teen Health Matters, another local resource for dealing with tough topics (22:40). Our podcast team then delves into the season by discussing the scary movie tropes, debating which are the best Halloween candies, decorating for the season, designing costumes, and rearranging their plans to celebrate this year (23:45). The episode concludes with a round-up of spooky stories, movies, and more to help you get in the spirit (52:19).
Show Notes:
Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center
24-Hour Crisis Hotline 410-531-6677
There Is Hope App (a “counselor in your pocket”) https://grassrootscrisis.org/services/there-is-hope-app/
Teen Health Matters
Tough Topics book list
Dracula, Bram Stoker
Parasyte: The Maxim, created by Hitoshi Iwaaki
Ring, Based on the novel by Koji Suzuki
Transcript: Episode 5 Transcript
The HoCoCast team of Baz, Emerson, and Olivia center this episode around the theme of revolution. First, the team introduces a new conversation segment where they discuss their take on the upcoming virtual school year. Next, Baz, Emerson and Olivia share their favorite inspirational quotes before conducting an interview with local changemaker and fellow podcaster, Ms. Candace Dodson-Reed. This interview covers a wide range of topics including the founding of Howard County’s African American Community Roundtable and how students can be allies, supporters, and changemakers themselves for issues they are passionate about. Lastly, Baz, Emerson, and Olivia share their revolutionary book recommendations.
Show Notes:
Candace Dodson-Reed Interview Resources
Elevate Maryland, local podcast produced by Candace Dodson-Reed and Tom Coale. http://elevatemdpodcast.com/
Book Recommendations from the Interview:
More than ready : be strong and be you, and other lessons for women of color on the rise
How to be an AntiRacist, by Ibram Kendi
The Gifts of Imperfection, by Brene Brown
Podcast Recommendations from the interview:
John Lewis’ Op-Ed published upon his death
President Obama’s Eulogy of John Lewis
HoCoCast’s Revolutionary Book & TV Recommendations:
Lili: A Portrait of the First Sex Change by Niels Hoyer
Patron Saints of Nothing by Randy Ribay
Avatar, the Last Airbender, Animate TV Series
Transcript of Episode 4
The HoCoCast team of Baz, Daniel, Emmy, and Olivia, celebrate Pride Month! From publicizing local resources to national events to delving into LGBTQ+ fiction and to providing book reviews, they have a lot to share. You can also find out how to participate in the library’s summer reading program.
Plus, listen to the recent Elevate Maryland Podcast to hear HoCoCast team member Olivia participate in a panel discussion with other youth activists from HoCo for Justice (suggested titles and resources to begin or continue your anti-racism journey).
Links from the show:
Books discussed:
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
Gay TV and Straight America by Ron Becker
Leather Boys by Gillian Freeman
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz
The Grief Keeper by Alexandra Villasante
Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
HCLS Book Lists:
The HoCoCast team of Baz, Daniel, Emmy, and Olivia, focus on the environment in honor of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day (April 22). Joining them in this episode is local environmentalist, Chiara D’Amore. Ms. D’Amore, a graduate of Wilde Lake High School, is the founder of the Community Ecology Institute and of the Columbia Families in Nature and Roots & Wings Learning Community programs. In our wide-ranging discussion we learn about civic ecology, permaculture design, and how to build resilience in times of crisis. The episode continues with the HoCoCast team sharing their thoughts on the current global crisis and sharing their favorite science fiction and environmentally themed books. Finally, to celebrate National Poetry Month, the HoCoCast team concludes the episode by issuing a writing challenge to our listeners.
Chiara D’Amore: https://chiaradamore.com
Community Ecology Institute: https://www.communityecologyinstitute.org
Recommended books:
Origin by Dan Brown
Mama’s Last Hug by Frans de Waal
Scythe by Neal Shusterman
The Second Coming of Walter Clements by Raymond Terry
Recommended by Chiara D’Amore:
Last Child in the Woods: saving our children from nature-deficit disorder by Richard Louv
The HoCoCast team, Baz, Daniel, Emmy, and Olivia ,have returned to focus on important happenings through the ages. Joining them this episode is local Howard High School student, Addie Skillman. Addie won first place at the 2019 National History Day competition for her Junior Individual Performance about the landmark Supreme Court case Loving v. Virginia. This episode also features an interview with Orlando Goncalves and Alfred Striano (both former Oakland Mills High School students) and winners of the Horizon Foundation’s 2019 Changemaker Challenge. The episode concludes with the HoCoCast team sharing their favorite history and historical fiction book recommendations.
Addie Skillman’s winning NHD performance: https://youtu.be/2L5D2nq7VqE
Maryland Humanities National History Day Resources: https://www.mdhumanities.org/programs/maryland-history-day/
Hairspray, local production by Glenelg High School (March 26-28 at 7 p.m. Cost: $10): https://hcpss.booktix.com/
Horizon Foundation’s Changemaker Challenge:
HoCoCast Historical Fiction Book Recommendations:
Interviews with Local Leaders & Influencers
- Chiara D’Amore, Founder and Executive Director for The Community Ecology Institute at Freetown Farm (Episode 2)
- Candace Dodson-Reed, Chief of Staff and Executive Director of the Office of Equity and Inclusion at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) (Episode 4)
- Amanda Ganoe, Suicide Prevention Counselor with Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center (Episode 5)
- Jennifer Smith, Hedgehog Welfare Society (Episode 8)
- Tonya Aikens, President and CEO of Howard County Library System (Episode 9)
Special thanks to Howard County Library System for sponsoring HoCoCast.
Join our podcast team! For questions and more information on participating,
contact Lori Conforti, [email protected]
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