Free, on demand, self-directed education at your fingertips.

- Music, Movies, TV,

Available anytime, anywhere HCLS NOW! is the gateway to on-demand, self-directed education for all ages — available for FREE 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Visit our NICHE ACADEMY for brief video tutorials that will walk you through many of the online tools available through the HCLS Now! gateway.
These tools were specially chosen by HCLS staff for their accuracy and reliability. If you’re having trouble accessing any of our online tools, please contact us.
E-resources assistance
Computer Lessons for beginners
Learn about computers and the internet with video lessons and exercises.
One-on-One eContent help
HCLS Instructors at all branches now offer one-on-one instruction on how to use the Library’s econtent resources. To schedule a session, call your local branch or fill out our online form.