Messages from the Friends and Foundation of HCLS Board of Directors
“Being black in America should not be a death sentence,” Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey said at a news conference following the incomprehensible death of George Floyd. The same is true of Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor, and the far too many others who have been killed or brutalized in our country based solely on the color of their skin. It is far past time for us to actively stand against racism, to stand against the countless systemic, racially-based cruelties and threats intentionally built into the very fabric of our lives in America.
I fully support the powerful statement issued today by HCLS President and CEO Tonya Aikens. Racism has no place in America. Racism has no place in Howard County. Now is the time to speak out and to take action, because silence is no longer an option. We must stand together and demand equality, respect, and justice for the Black community and for all people of color. And we must remain standing together until these changes happen.
— Mickey Gomez, Chair, Friends & Foundation of Howard County Library System Board of Directors