DIY items can be returned to the Elkridge Branch DIY side entrance (no appointment necessary).
The DIY Education Center features a borrowing collection of tools and classes for children, teens, and adults in the following categories:
The DIY Education Center includes:
- DIY Collection: Small tools for home projects, bicycle repair kits, etc.
- DIY classes for students of all ages
- DIY Studio: A “mess-friendly” classroom and workspace
Suggest an addition to the DIY Collection
For inquiries, please call the DIY Center at 410-313-5075.
To borrow from the DIY collection, you must apply for and obtain a DIY Library Card.
- Anyone 21 or older who lives, works, or attends school in Maryland may apply for an HCLS DIY library card by bringing a form of ID that can verify age (such as driver’s license or state-issued ID) to the HCLS Elkridge Branch. For further information, call 410-313-5075.
- The DIY library card may only be used to borrow materials from the DIY Education Center. You must use a standard HCLS library card to borrow other items.
- The DIY library card expires one year from the date of issue.
- A liability waiver and release must be signed as part of the initial application and every year the DIY library card is renewed.
Limits, Loan Period & Fines
- The loan period for items from the DIY collection is seven days.
- You may borrow up to 12 items each visit, with a maximum of 24 items from this collection checked out on one card.
- Items from the DIY collection will automatically renew twice if not requested by another customer.
- The daily fine (charge per day per item) for materials from the DIY collection: $2. Seniors (65+) pay half the fines on all overdue materials.
Lost & Damaged
- DIY materials are to be returned in the condition in which they were borrowed.
- The full replacement cost and a processing fee will be charged for each item lost, damaged, or stolen.
- Replacement of lost or damaged materials from the DIY Education Center collection are not accepted.
Returning Items
- DIY items can be returned to the Elkridge Branch DIY side entrance.
- DIY Education Center materials MAY NOT be returned to any HCLS book drop, any other HCLS branch, or other library systems in Maryland.
Reserving Items
- You may reserve materials from the DIY Education Center collection via hclibrary.org. A total of four titles may be requested.
- When placing an online request, select Elkridge Branch as the pickup library.
- You will be notified by email, USPS, or phone when your requested item becomes available for pickup.
- Reserved materials may not be sent to other HCLS branches.
Renewing Items
- Materials from the DIY Education Center collection will automatically renew twice if not requested by another customer.