This experience is something that happened 6-7 years ago at a previous job in which I worked. I don’t know if I would consider it “racism” vs some sort of implicit bias of what senior leadership felt I was capable of doing in a job. I’m not sure. But, I was working at this job for over 10 years in a managerial position overseeing 4 locations. Senior leadership decided to restructure my position and hire a Director over each location. I did apply for the restructured position, and was not selected for the position even though I had the most experience then all of the candidates that received the positions. The people that were selected had lesser degrees and experience. I found myself in a period of having to train these staff on how to handle operations on multiple occasions. Senior leadership decided to create this other position for me, which was a demotion in title but not pay. However, in that position, it was a very easy position, and I completed all my tasks the same day and kept asking for more work. The response that I was given was that I was much smarter than they thought and assumed I was. So, they kept giving me more responsibility. I eventually got a promotion back to my original position, but it was a very difficult and painful period when that happened. This was over a 3 year period. I have left that position and organization at this time and moved on.